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Maxime Brice Selling

WoodStock cover.jpg

Simply stocking wood in the things we love

Theme S.M.A.R.T.


The Green Village Campus in Delft will acquire 6500-7000m2 of SMART student housing. The area explores how buildings can become smarter and greener to facilitate a better living. Therefor the dwellings needs to be build out of responsible materials to reduce environmental impact, be designed in a way it can take advantage of its context to reduce energy and still have that spatial quality to endure a long lifespan.

For dwellings there are a lot of potentials in renewable materials like wood. Especially local wood. This can be produced infinitely and it’s relatively low in energy in terms of transport and manufacturing. Despite the fact that using local wood is less damaging to the environment then a lot of alternative materials, it’s still part of deforestation. Even today we still use wood very inefficiently by skipping to many potential life cycles of the material. It would be ideal if wood can cascade through its lifetime. From a log to lumber to sheet to pulp. In that way there is more wood in stock and we can reduce tree felling. Meaning for the design to only cut down trees for the application of roundwood. For any other application of wood it would be ideal to retrieve wood from a previous and already used cycle.

Wood can be used optimum by understanding the beneficial properties of the different types of wood but also their constructive property of how the wood is going to be applied. The grain and the fiber directions are important in how wood can be used and could behave. This can result in a certain typology of architecture. Not only constructive, but also about how wood can be used for comfortable climate conditions inside the dwellings.

The typology of the dwellings wil be digital-driven mass-customisation to reach quality in the spatial experience of the user. Creative form-finding strategies using multi-agent systems and swarm computing will be used according to climate adaption and surrounding qualities on the site. By doing that each dwelling could reach it most potential orientation related to his neighbours. I’m aiming for a balances formation of density and quality.

The space within the individual dwelling will be reconfigurable to use the most out of the space. With the benefits of the material property i’m aiming for low tech solution to control perhaps sunshades, light conditions and more. Parametric design can lead to mass-customisation of elements manufactured with cnc technology to form a complete and unique module.



Plan of Approach

Research about up-cycling wood
Research local types of wood and their properties
Research laminated wood
Form Finding Methods


For Green village: For Wood:


Verantwoord gebruik van hout in Nederland by P.J. Fraanje, M.C.C. Lafleur

Natuurlijk bouwen met hout : 33 boomsoorten die zich thuisvoelen in Nederland by P. J. Fraanje, Henk. Pel

Wood composites by Martin P. Ansell