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<br>Potentials of using wood for student housing<br>
<br>The Green Village Campus in Delft will acquire 6500-7000m2 of SMART student housing. The area explores how buildings can become smarter and greener to facilitate a better living. Therefor the dwellings needs to exist out of efficient multifunctional spaces to reduce material use and the overall energy of the project needs to be low as well. Personally i believe there is a great opportunity in using local wood. Depending on the type of tree we could add more cycles of the usage of the wood during a lifetime. Instead of felling trees and covert the wood directly in paper, we could use that wood for at least a couple decades to build student housing.<br>
<br>The typology of the dwellings wil be digital-driven mass-customisation to reach quality in the spatial experience of the user. Creative form-finding strategies using multi-agent systems and swarm computing will be used according to climate adaption and surrounding qualities on the site. By doing that each dwelling could reach it most potential orientation related to his neighbours. I’m aiming for a balances formation of density and quality.<br>

Revision as of 10:19, 16 September 2016

Maxime Selling

Cycle of Wood


The Green Village Campus in Delft will acquire 6500-7000m2 of SMART student housing. The area explores how buildings can become smarter and greener to facilitate a better living. Therefor the dwellings needs to exist out of efficient multifunctional spaces to reduce material use and the overall energy of the project needs to be low as well. Personally i believe there is a great opportunity in using local wood. Depending on the type of tree we could add more cycles of the usage of the wood during a lifetime. Instead of felling trees and covert the wood directly in paper, we could use that wood for at least a couple decades to build student housing.

The typology of the dwellings wil be digital-driven mass-customisation to reach quality in the spatial experience of the user. Creative form-finding strategies using multi-agent systems and swarm computing will be used according to climate adaption and surrounding qualities on the site. By doing that each dwelling could reach it most potential orientation related to his neighbours. I’m aiming for a balances formation of density and quality.



Plan of Approach

Research about up-cycling wood Research local types of wood and their properties Design strategy


Verantwoord gebruik van hout in Nederland by P.J. Fraanje, M.C.C. Lafleur

Natuurlijk bouwen met hout : 33 boomsoorten die zich thuisvoelen in Nederland by P. J. Fraanje, Henk. Pel